Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Evading the tricks of retailers with my shopping style

The December issue of Her World ran an article on how retailers try to lure shoppers with offers. After reading it, I am more careful with my purchases as I keep in mind the methods they use to make me spend more.

I had the chance to avoid temptation while shopping at NTUC and Borders. I had bought Knorr Chicken Stock Cube with no added MSG at $1.40 for a pack of 6 cubes. At the payment counter, the cashier was kind enough to inform me of getting another pack which offered 2 free cubes at the same price. I declined to take up her offer, remembering that this is one of the methods used by retailers. I really don't need so many.

At Borders, I saw paperbacks sold at an offer of getting an additional copy for buying 2. I don't need so many books and none struck me. Besides, I have so many unread books waiting for me at home. So what if there is an offer? The question to ponder over is whether I actually need all of the items on offer

These questions as I decide on my purchases help me save money. Even though we are urged to spend more money to help the economy recover from the recession, that can happen only if we have enough to spend.

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