Friday, November 6, 2009

Double standards towards fashion etiquette

A viewer showed his verbal disapproval towards a newscaster's choice of dressing on Deepavali. Her silver-gray dress was unfortunately intensified in tonal colour on television such that it appeared as black. It is ironic how no one else filed a similar complaint. Even the president of a Hindu temple acknowledged that different settings give allowance to different codes of dressing, and the practical setting of a news bulletin complemented the colour of the dress. The viewer seems to have overlooked this.

Now that it has been proven that it was due to the camera that the dress appeared darker, it would be good if he extends an apology to the newscaster. Contradictions are noted in his comment to the media when he said that he "had moved with the times" and didn't care about the dressing on Vesak Day. If he truly has, then why is he complaining about the newscaster's dressing? He seems to be implying that he is thinking of the interests of other viewers by writing in but they did not express any negative opinions towards her dressing. Strange, is it not?

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