Thursday, August 21, 2008

Memories of MPH Stamford

I was reading the blog entries on and the latest entry evoked nostalgic thoughts in me. It was on the former MPH Bookstore occupying the Stamford Road building.

I remember going to the Literature sections to look for my texts, since I was majoring in Literature for my degree. I also remember going to the counter to make reservations for the texts or pay for my purchases. I patronised the children's and SATS exam guides sections as well.

A most poignant memory concerns the cafe on the second level. I used to have study sessions with my classmates while we ate our dinner there. The food was good, especially the Earl Grey Tea. I will not forget it for a long time because it was so potent that I stayed up the whole night. I fell asleep at only 10am the next day!

There was also a public phone just outside the cafe. It was the orange-coloured type. I used it to tell my dad about my study sessions. Handphones weren't so rampant then.

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