Friday, August 22, 2008

The power of books

Tan Shzr Ee wrote in the Straits Times about her intense passion for books. I share the same passion and I devour most genres, like chic-lit, spirituality, cookery, self-improvement, legends, mysteries, horror and fairy-cum-princess stories. I even venture into Chinese books, primarily on self-improvement. This is excluding women's magazines. As a result, I have acquired a great sense of knowledge which I share with others when I feel the need to.

She brings them with her to cafes and I too, must have at least one book or magazine when I go out. I take them out to read when I am on the bus or train, and when I eat alone. It helps me feel less insecure especially when I eat alone. I especially love reading magazines when I'm waiting for my turn at the doctor or dentist, and while I'm having my hair styled at the hair salon. The issues range from a couple of years to a month back. I usually go for the local ones though. The foreign ones seem exactly that to me.

She has some unfinished books and that makes two of us. Some books I buy look interesting only when I chance upon it while browsing but when I actually read it at home, it is too profound. Others are bought as a rash decision and later evoke regret in me. She also mentioned no obligation to pursue these relationships but as I'm a serialistic learner, I feel the obligation to. I can't read more than one book at one time and even if I attempt to do otherwise, my unfinished books will haunt my mind. I must finish one before embarking on the next literary journey.

When I read the same book another time, I discover new insights and the narrative becomes clearer. Mysteries become easier to unravel. It is more convenient for her to have a buffet of books but due to my free time, I can be a serialist. I like it this way.

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